Policy regarding the Use of Cookies on the Website

The data operator regarding this website and the cookies within it is Cloud Security Alliance.

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small files, made up of letters and numbers, that are stored on your computer, mobile device, or other device from which you access the Internet.

Cookies themselves do not require personal data in order to be used and, in most cases, the information collected through them is not likely to lead to the identification of Internet users. However, cookies can be used to capture information such as IP address, geo-location information, data on the operating system, the resolution of the device used, data on visits to the website (including the number of visits, time spent on the website, how to access website, website behavior), organic traffic.

First party cookies are created by the web pages you are currently visiting. Third party cookies are created / managed by other entities / third party providers and only used by the website visited. More details on how third-party providers manage the placement and use of cookies and similar technologies can be found in the respective policies of those third parties. In the tables below you will also be able to identify third parties who provide cookies for this website.

Depending on the type of cookie, we will ask for your consent to use them or not. For example, for strictly necessary cookies (defined below) you will not be asked for your consent, while for any other type of cookies, you will be asked. The options regarding the use of cookies will be stored in Romania.

Required cookies: These are necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the visited website – e.g. settings related to the login session as an authenticated user.

Cookie’s name

First party or third party cookies

Cookie duration (session / permanent / specific term)

Cookie’s purpose

To whom the information is transferred


First Party

365 days

Remember the user’s consent regarding the use of cookies.

It is not transmitted


First Party

365 days

Remember the user’s option to use analytics

It is not transmitted


First Party

365 days

Data regarding the logged in / logged out (session) status for the user

It is not transmitted

Analysis cookies: These collect information about how to use the website – e.g. the number of pages accessed in a session, the most popular pages, page load time, page access errors. Cookies will not contain your name or other similar information, but only a session identifier needed to generate aggregate statistical reports. They are useful for improving the services provided to you, for analyzing the audience statistically.

Cookie’s name

First party or third party cookies

Cookie duration (session / permanent / specific term)

Cookie’s purpose

To whom the information is transferred


Third Party

365 days

Aggregate site / platform usage statistics

Google Analytics

For third party cookies, UBB will only be able to view aggregated data.

The data collected through cookies may be transmitted to visitors to the website, UBB representatives, other natural or legal persons who process personal data on behalf of UBB, as well as to third parties who have created and / or manage the cookies mentioned above. The data collected through cookies may be transmitted to the following EU / EEA or non-EU / EEA countries, as mentioned at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en_US.

The rights you enjoy from the perspective of personal data legislation and the contact details for exercising these rights can be found in the Personal Data Processing Policy.

With regard to advertising through cookies from Google, you can choose not to be profiled for this purpose at the internet addresses: https://www.google.com/settings/ads or https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.

Cookie options can be reset from the website footer by accessing the Reset Cookies button. For cookies that are not strictly necessary, you can withdraw your consent at any time by accessing the button from the website’s footer. Using these options may not lead to the deletion of cookies that already exist on your device. To delete them, please use the relevant option in your browser’s settings. In case of deleting the necessary cookies, there may be a need to re-authenticate, re-access our website. It is important to note that disabling or refusing to receive certain types of cookies may make it difficult to view and use certain sections of content on the website.

The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) has made available a website detailing how online advertising works and the role of cookies in this ecosystem: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ro/

Information on how cookies can be used can be found on the website: www.allaboutcookies.org.

This Policy on the processing of personal data enters into force on 2 June 2021.

This Policy on the processing of personal data may be updated periodically. Any updates will become applicable within 2 days from the date of publication of the new version on the site.